The Sunday Seven
This EggMazing Easter egg decorating kit was the #1 best selling item this week and for good reason! It makes decorating eggs so easy, clean and fun for all your kids. And it sells out every year, so be sure to grab one early on! $2 off right now.
Every makeup brush you could need is in this 12 piece set! I love the look of the bamboo handles and the reviews speak for themselves! Grab this set for 58% off!
If you have a babe this is our very favorite thing to put in their Easter basket! It’s super cute and I love that it has little handles for them to easily hold onto. Only $4.99!
4. Tie-Dye Kit
A perfect Easter gift for your older kiddos is this fun tie-dye kit that has everything you need for a fun tie-dying party! Grab it while it’s still 44% off!
Our kids seriously love these paint by sticker books! They keep them busy and quiet while creating fun pictures. 50% off!
It’s always nice to have some of these disposable face masks on hand! I always keep a bunch in my car because I forget my reusable one at home all the time. 25% off this 100 pack.
My little girls favorite thing about bath time is changing the color of the water with these Crayola bath dropz! So much fun and 37% off right now.