Three sisters livin the prime life. Sharing our fav Amazon finds with all of you.
All in beauty
Speaking of makeup and mascara I had to share this essence mascara I just ordered and cannot wait to…
These neutrogena makeup remover face towlettes are my absolute favvvvv! They remove dirt, oil, makeup &…
I’ve switched every hair brush in our home to wet brushes. They’re seriously the best and can detangle any…
I love these under eye patches. They help with under eye bags, hydration and wrinkles. Made with organic…
This pimple popper tool set is disgustingly super satisfying! Removes blackheads, pimples and acne like a…
Just reordered my fav Schick hydro silk exfoliating at-home dermaplaning tool! I prefer these ones over the…
Something about this time of year with Valentine’s coming up makes me want to bust out all my pink lipsticks…
And this NIVEA vanilla and almond oil infused body lotion is a great option for an every day lotion to keep…
My lips have never been dryer during this time of year and this NiVEA smoothness lip balm is one of my favs…
I prefer a stick concealer and this Neutrogena brightening cream concealer comes in so many colors and is…
My face could use some brightening in these dull, winter months! This Neutrogena brightening gel…
Or if you’re just in need of some new Venus razor blade refills you can get 3 original + 1 swirl blades that fit on…
This Venus extra smooth swirl razor is the first and only razor with a flexiball that makes it suuuper easy to…
I would love to try out this Braun facial hair removal kit that removes hair, cleanses and tones all in one!
If you’re looking to improve your hair, skin and nails in 2021, grab this extra strength Nature’s Bounty…
I just bought this 4 pack of tweezers for my eyebrows and thought I would share them with you guys too!…
Make sure you use a tanning mitt to apply your self tanner and not your bare hand. I repeat do not use your…
If you’re in the dead of winter and feeling a little pastey this Jergens natural glow mousse is for you! I love this…